STORIES / Okara’shòn:’a

Three girls
Language Marcus Bankuti Language Marcus Bankuti

Three girls

I was at a meeting and decided to go out and stretch my legs. So I came around the corner of the house, and there was a sandbox there. This one particular family, they had all girls.

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Abusive indian day school

Abusive indian day school

I went to Indian day school, and we had non-Native teachers that were very abusive towards us. You know, calling us mostly “sauvage,” or “f’in Indians,” different stuff like that, getting smacked and getting hit and saying “you’re stupid” or “you’re a dirty savage,” everything.

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A good roar
Personal, Family Simona Rosenfield Personal, Family Simona Rosenfield

A good roar

Our youngest one - when she started school, I participated in a lot of activities. For Halloween they always had a parade in the gymnasium.

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Medicine, Tradition Simona Rosenfield Medicine, Tradition Simona Rosenfield


I became a medicine man. I used to go get the plants and the roots for my grandmother. My great, great grandmothers, they were all medicine women. So they handed it down to my grandmother.

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