Indian village
Courtesy: Kanien'keháka Onkwawén:na Raotitióhkwa Language and Cultural Center
Story told by Kevin Ka’nahsóhon Deer
I remember when I was a little kid, we used to pass by the Indian Village near the Karonhianónhnha School. It used to be kind of like a stockade, and the Greyhound buses used to be lined up. I remember I was standing in the front seat of the car - in that time we didn’t have all of this seatbelt business and all of that.
I could hear a drum, and I could see people dressed up with leather and feathers on. I said to my mom, “Mom, look at the Indians,” because they were and I wasn’t. I couldn’t relate to that. Even growing up, my dad would always say, “Be proud, you’re a Mohawk.” But what was that? It was a word.
If you’d asked me anything about what it means to be a Mohawk, I couldn’t have told you. I couldn’t speak my language, didn’t know my Creation Story. I didn’t know anything about our songs, our dances. Because if you want to be a Native person, that’s what makes you Native. It’s not because you carry a card that says hey, look at me, I’m an Indian because Ottawa says so.
Indian Village
Courtesy: Kanien'keháka Onkwawén:na Raotitióhkwa Language and Cultural Center
Kevin Ka'nahsóhon Deer roká:raton
Kè:iahre’ ken’k shí:ka, thos teiakwatohétstha’ ne Indian Village ákta Karonhianónhnha’ tsi ionterihwaienstáhkhwa’. Kwah se’s né:ne wa’èn:rote tsi niiohtòn:ne, tánon’ ne iakoia’takarénie’s Greyhound tsi se’s ní:ioht iotinenhrahserón:ni. Kè:iahre’ ohén:ton nenkwá:ti anitskwahráhne ka’seréhtakon íktahkwe’—tho nón: shontakahá:wi’ iah tha’ teiotonhontsóhon aiakwatia’táhnhake’ ne ka’seréhtakon.
Wakathón:te tsi io’nahkwá:kahre’, tánon khé:ken onkwehshòn:’a ohnakénhsa tánon’ ostò:seri ronatia’tahseronnia’táhkwen. Wa’khehró:ri’ ake’nisténha, “Istá:, sheiatkáhtho ne onkwehón:we,” ase’kén ronónha ronnonkwehón:we, tánon’ iah í: tè:ken. Iah tho ní:tsi ní: tewakattó:ken.
Akwé:kon shontonkwatehiahróntie’, tiótkon shés rake’níha rá:ton “Sara’se’séhak. Senien’kehá:ka.” Nek tsi oh nahò:ten’ nè:’e? Owén:na khók nè:’e.
Tóka’ ahskeri’wanontón:ni nahò:ten’ kén:ton onkwehón:we akénhake’, iah thaonkkwénion akonhró:ri. Iah tekahrónkhahkwe’ akewén:na, Iah tekkarienteríhahkwe’ tsi tiotonhontsatáhsawe aká:ra. Iah thé:nen tekerihwaienteríhahkwe’ ne onkwarenna’shòn:’a nok onkwanonnia’shòn:’a. Né: tsi tóka’ íhsehre’ onkwehón:we akénhake’, né: ión:nis tsi sonkwehón:we. Iah ne té: tsi shiatonhserenhá:wi wá:ton, hé: takwatkáhtho konkwehón:we ase'kén ne wá:ton ne Kanà:tso.
Edited by: Marcus Bankuti, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
Translation by Sahawisó:ko’ Arquette