STORIES / Okara’shòn:’a

The only thing Indian was the students
Indian Day School, Personal, Language, Family Aaron McComber Indian Day School, Personal, Language, Family Aaron McComber

The only thing Indian was the students

My grandparents raised all six of us. I was six months old when my father passed away. I was told that the Indian Agency came into the house here and tried to take my brothers away. My grandparents told them to leave. If they would have succeeded, maybe today I wouldn’t have any nieces or nephews around. Who knows what would’ve happened. 

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Abusive indian day school

Abusive indian day school

I went to Indian day school, and we had non-Native teachers that were very abusive towards us. You know, calling us mostly “sauvage,” or “f’in Indians,” different stuff like that, getting smacked and getting hit and saying “you’re stupid” or “you’re a dirty savage,” everything.

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