STORIES / Okara’shòn:’a

Christmas in Kahnawà:ke
Tradition, Family Aaron McComber Tradition, Family Aaron McComber

Christmas in Kahnawà:ke

My father used to go with his uncle and his friend up to Saint Lucie before Christmas to cut down trees and bring them back for his uncle, my grandfather and a few others in the family. It was an all-day process so they would only get back late at night.

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Spirituality, Tradition, Land Aaron McComber Spirituality, Tradition, Land Aaron McComber


I remember when we left Standing Rock, we were just taking a stroll and there were two bald eagles sitting in the tree very low. As we drove back home, we hit the state of Michigan, and I looked up at the sunroof in the car and there was a bald eagle circling the car making sure we got back safely.

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Life in the big garden
Agriculture, Family, Tradition Emma McLaughlin Agriculture, Family, Tradition Emma McLaughlin

Life in the big garden

We would also help with planting and harvesting. When you plant tomatoes and they get big, there are these large kinds of green caterpillars that get on them and eat the leaves. They’d be hiding under the leaf or whatever. We’d have to pick them off the tomatoes. That was scary.

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Upholding traditions
Tradition, Culture Jonathan Turenne Tradition, Culture Jonathan Turenne

Upholding traditions

Families would prepare lunches to bring to the grounds. Everyone looked forward to the picnic; it was special. It was a good feeling to see everyone gathered. Eventually, it became one of our traditions.

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In the fall, we would go up to hunt. At night, the hunters would come down and tell us they got a moose, and the men would head up to help. It was a lot of work. We would cut the moose into pieces so that each man can carry a piece of the moose out of the bush. I was always excited to go because those who helped would get moose meat and have a party or celebration after we were done.

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Burning wood
Tradition, Family Marcus Bankuti Tradition, Family Marcus Bankuti

Burning wood

I remember in those years, when I was much younger, there were people still burning wood. There was a lot of wood burning. You would smell the smoke of wood stoves. During the holidays, and especially around new years, people used to go around to visit, so your relatives would come to your house, and that would last about a week.  

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Tradition, Family Emma McLaughlin Tradition, Family Emma McLaughlin


Traditions are important. I’m doing the best that I can to keep our traditions going for the love of my children and the love of my grandchildren.

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For Ada
Arts, Tradition, Family Melissa Stacey Arts, Tradition, Family Melissa Stacey

For Ada

The cradleboard that I made for my granddaughter Ada was my first one. I didn’t make it fancy because I tried to make it more of a traditional style. I was inspired to make this cradleboard seeing that my grandmother and great aunt had also used one.

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Home wedding
Personal, Tradition Emma McLaughlin Personal, Tradition Emma McLaughlin

Home wedding

My first dance was an adventure. Back then, they used to have what they call a dollar dance. The bride and the groom stand on the floor and they start playing slow music and people come up there and give the best man or maid of honour a dollar and he or she gets to dance with the bride or groom.

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