A good roar

Credit: Simona Rosenfield

Story told by Amelia McGregor

Our youngest one - when she started school, I participated in a lot of activities. For Halloween they always had a parade in the gymnasium.

She wanted to be Little Bo Peep. I had a dress for her that I found at a yard sale. I made the frills at the bottom of the pants that she wore with lace, like Little Bo Peep. I took cardboard and made a really big brim on her hat. Joe had a staff he used to use to get the cows on the farm. She used that.

I had Joe’s monkey suit, for when you work on cars. I took cotton balls and glued them all over the monkey suit. That’s what I wore to school. I was Little Bo Peep’s sheep.

At the school, we were on our way to the gym to do the Halloween parade. It was really warm in the building. As we were getting closer to the gym, I started getting on all fours. She had a rope around my neck and she was pulling me towards the gym.

As I was going, the cotton balls were falling off because it was getting warm.

The kids that were following behind me, they were so kind. They were taking the cotton balls, picking them up, and telling me, “Look, your cotton balls are falling off.”

They were sticking it all over my rear end, wherever they found a space. I had a lot of help on my way. I said, “I’m shedding, aren’t I?”

Everybody had a good roar over that.

Akwáh wa’thontón:terikte’

Amelia McGregor iakoká:raton

Shontaiontáhsawen’ aionterì:waienste’ ne aonhà:’a ken’ nitiakoién:ha iakhiièn:’a, é:so wa’katià:taren’ nahò:ten’ onterihwahtén:ti’ tsi ionterihwaienstáhkhwa’. Tsi niiontkonwaró:roks nikahá:wi tió:konte rotinenhrahseronnihátie’ tsi iontia’tahkariiohstáhkhwa’.

Wà:’enhre’ Little Bo Peep taiontahkwenniaierónnion’. Wake’whahsaién:tahkwe tho ní:ioht tsi wa’khní:non’ átste’ thonatkè:ron aten’èn:rakon. Tsi iotahthahsteren’sherá:te wa’tka’arón:ten’ tsi ní:ioht tsi iakótston ne Little Bo Peep. Iohiatonhserahní:ron wa’kónnia’te’ kowá:nen teiotá:ronte akononhwaro’tsherà:ke. Só:se roten’nihtsheraién:tahkwe’ rátstha’ kahehtà:ke ahshakotia’tarò:rokte’ ne tiohnhónhskwaron. Né: wà:ontste’.

Watién:tahkwe’ Só:se roio’ténhstha’ atahkwénnia, né: aó:wen nó:nen kà:sere ensaió’ten’. Arawét wa’kera’nentaktánion’ atahkwennia’kéhshon. Né: wa’tkatahkwenniaierónnion’ tsi ionterihwaienstáhkhwa’ iahà:ke’. Little Bo Peep akotshé:nen timotón: wa’tkatahkwenniaierónnion’.

Tsi ionterihwaienstáhkhwa tsi iontia’tahkariiohstáhkhwa’ wa’onkwenonhátiehkwe’ aiakhiiatià:ren’ tsi rotinenhrahseronnihátie’. Akwáh iononhsatarihèn:ne’. Tsi sénha ákta iákwene’ tsi iontia’tahkariiohstáhkhwa’, takatáhsawen’ akatè:sere’. Keniarà:ke ionkwatasharón:tahkwe’ tánon’ ionkwasharí:ne tsi nonkwá:ti tsi iontia’tahkariiohstáhkhwa’.

Iotera’nentahsionkwenhátie’ narawét ase’kén wa’tariha’tà:ne’.

Tsi nithotirihwaié:ri tsi niká:ien ohnà:ken tahotiia’ten’tòn:ne’. Ronohronkwenhátie’ narawét nok ionkhró:ri, “Hé:, iotera’nentahshionkwenhátie’ ne arawét.”

Kho’kwà:ke sahatira’nentaktánion’, tsi ki’ nón: wahatitshén:ri’ tsi ionáktote. É:so wa’ontia’takéhnha’ tsi tá:ke’. Wa’kì:ron’, “Wakihwhá:ren’s wáhi?”

Akwé:kon kwah wa’thontón:terikte’.

Edited by: Simona Rosenfield, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Translation by Sahawisó:ko’ Arquette




Eight feet tall