Cow’s way

Credit: Simona Rosenfield

Story told by Joe McGregor

We raised cows, pigs, you know, and stuff like that. We always had two horses or three horses. We had about 12 milking cows. When you have a farm, you always have a bull. It's very important to have this male bull and the female bull. I’m just joking.

Very few people in their life, they live old, and they never witness how to milk a cow. We were brought up on a farm. A small farm. We used to ship cream to the road. It wasn’t a big highway in those days. And the odd time, we’d sell a cow. You always have to have more livestock, because if you’re gonna start selling all your cows when you’re low on something to eat, it wouldn’t work. You have to have a few that will always be there to milk and eat, and you have to have something in spare.

That’s why you have to keep a bull too, because there’s a certain time that your female will do what she’s supposed to do, and then he’s supposed to do his job. You can’t wait, or they’re not going to be in the mood at the same time. It’s the wind, and the age of the animals, that’s how they go about that.


Joe McGregor roká:raton

Wa’akhiiehià:ron’ tiohnhónhskwaron, kwéskwes, saterièn:tare wi’, eh nikanahskò:ten’s. Tiótkon tekeniiáhse tóka’ ni’ áhsen nikón:ti akohsá:tens ionkwanahskwaién:tahkwe’.

Ka’k nón: ákta 12 nikón:ti ienon’tatáhkwas tiohnhónhskwaron ionkwanahskwaién:tahkwe’. Nó:nen sahéhtaien, tió:konte teró: sanáhskwaien. Iorihowá:nen aiakonahskwaién:take’ kí:ken teró: tánon’ tiohnhónhskwaron. Wakatshwà:ton ki’.

Kwah ken’ nihatì:’a tsi nihonnónhnhes, rotirihwaká:ion tsi ronnónhnhe’, nok iah nonwén:ton thahontkáhtho’ oh ní:ioht tiohnhónhskwaron aienon’tatáhko’. Kahehtà:ke ionkwatehiahròn:’on. Ken’ nikahehtà:’a. Ohahà:ke shes kawistohserókwen ieiakwatenniéhtha’. Iah teiohahowanèn:ne tho shontakahá:wi’. Ok ken’ na’tekónteron tiohnhónhskwaron eniakwatenahskwahní:non’. Tiótkon ó:nen’k sénha ensanahskwaién:take’, ase’kén tóka’ entehsatáhsawen’ akwé:kon tiohnhónhskwaron ahsatenahskwahní:non’ nó:nen satennà:tshera’ ehtà:ke ní:we’, iah ki’ wáhi thaioiáneren’ne’. Ó:nen’k tsi tió:konte tóhkara nensanahskwaién:take’ ahsenon’tatáhko’ nok tahsatskà:nhon’.

Né: tiorì:wa ó:nen’k tsi teró: ó:ni’ ensanahskwaién:take’, ase’kén kwató:ken tsi nikahá:wi no’nhéhtien nenká:iere’ nahò:ten’ teiontonhtsóhon, tánon’ ó:nen’k tsi ráonha enhoió’ten’ tsi nihoio’tenhserò:ten’. Iah thaón:ton’ ahsatehrhá:rate’, tóka’ ni’ iah sha’tahnonhnho’ténhake’ sha’tekahá:wi. Kwah nek tho ní:ioht, tsi nithotí:iens ne katshenen’ó:kon, tho ki’ nihatiiéhrha’.

Edited by: Simona Rosenfield, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Translation by Sahawisó:ko’ Arquette


Abusive indian day school

