STORIES / Okara’shòn:’a

Remembering the Indian Village
The Indian Village had a big Quonset hut with a palisade fence and little stores all around it. There were a lot of people who worked there. That’s how a lot of teenagers who danced used to make money for school, clothes, and pocket money. There was no such thing as rent on the little stores of the artisans.

Dancing softly
My grandmother and her sister performed at the Indian Village together and they did a dance called “Harvesting the Corn.”

The two sisters
My grandmother’s sister stayed just up the road from us. We stayed here on this corner lot with our grandparents, about four houses away.

Tourists in town
When we were kids, it seemed like everybody would hang around behind the church. They used to call it the fort.

Indian village
I remember when I was a little kid, we used to pass by the Indian Village near the Karonhianónhnha School.