Rock audition
Courtesy: Simona Rosenbloom
Story told by Nick Huard
There’s a Tlingit legend that if you don’t pass the knowledge, Creator will turn you into a rock. I don’t want to be a rock. I love to rock, I’m an old rock n’ roller myself, but there’s a different meaning this time.
It’s been a rough road. If I had a chance to start all over again, I would.
But I said I owe it to the kids. They’re allowed to know the truth. And it’s not a question of rights, it’s a question of responsibilities. It’s not that I have the right to be here. No, no, no. I have a responsibility. I am here, I’ve gotta preserve it for generations to come and also pass the knowledge.
I’ve gotta help those kids in youth protection. I’ve gotta open doors for them. They’re the first of seven generations, as far as I’m concerned. So I’ve gotta do something positive with them.
Listen, I’m only a custodian of this world for them. Creator has it all planned out for me.
I hope I pass the audition.
Nick Huard roká:raton
Tlingit tsi nahonnonhontsò:ten rón:ton’ shehs tsi tóka’ iah thahserihóhetste’ tsi niionkwarihò:ten, enthianeniò:ka’te’ ne Shonkwaia’tíson. Wakon’wéskwani akaterennó:ten’, akwah rock and roller na’tia’to’tenhne, nek tsi ó:ia’ kén:ton ó:nen.
Iohahó:ka kénhne. Tóka’ aonkwate’shennaién:ta’ne’ taontonkwatahsawenhstsíhake’, tho nátiere’.
Nek tsi wa’kì:ron’ tsi rotirì:waien ne ratiksa’okòn:’a ahonaterièn:taraske’ tsi nahò:ten tó:kenske. Khes iah tekarihwanóntha’ tsi rotirì:waien, karihwanóntha’ tsi ronaterihwaién:ni. Iah se’ té:ioht tsi wakerì:waien nek kèn:’en akè:sheke’. Iah, iah, iah. Nahò:ten tiok wakaterihwaién:ni. Kèn:’en í:ke’s, ó:nenk tsi akerihwanónhstate’ ne á:se tahatikonhsontóntie’ raotirihwà:ke nok akerihóhetste’ nonkwarihwa’shòn:’a.
Ó:nenk tsi akherì:wawa’se’ tsi nihá:ti ratiksa’okòn:’a “youth protection” ratiia’tarónnion. Ó:nenk tsi akhehnhotónkwahse’. Thonatierénhton ne tsá:ta tsi na’teioterehserà:ne’, tsi niió:re tsi wakaterièn:tare. Entà:’onk akheion’wesénhsten’.
Satahónhsatat, nek ié:ken tsi ì:’i tewaka’nikónhrhare ne ne tsi ionhontsá:te ne raotirihwà:ke. Akwé:kon rakerihwahseronnién:ni ne Shonkwaia’tí:son.
Aiá:wen’s ki’ enkatià:taren’.
Edited by: Simona Rosenfield, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
Translation by Sahawisó:ko’ Arquette