STORIES / Okara’shòn:’a

Where I feel at home
Land, Personal, Family Emma McLaughlin Land, Personal, Family Emma McLaughlin

Where I feel at home

The Pines or Onen’tó:kon, has always been a sacred place and one of refuge for the generations of my grandparents who sought peace in the Pines when the Sulpicians were harassing and brutalizing the people. They wanted us all to leave for Wáhta, but in the end, we have won because we are still here and we’re not going anywhere. 

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Spirituality, Tradition, Land Aaron McComber Spirituality, Tradition, Land Aaron McComber


I remember when we left Standing Rock, we were just taking a stroll and there were two bald eagles sitting in the tree very low. As we drove back home, we hit the state of Michigan, and I looked up at the sunroof in the car and there was a bald eagle circling the car making sure we got back safely.

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Forcibly removed
Discrimination, Land, Sovereignty Emma McLaughlin Discrimination, Land, Sovereignty Emma McLaughlin

Forcibly removed

The people of Kanehsatà:ke were brutalized by the Seminary of St. Sulpice. The sulpicians were a society of priests from France, rich blue bloods filled with evil and greed. They were so rich that they could hire their own security forces to go in to violate and harass our people. Their goal was to get our people to leave our land.

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Now it’s ours
Discrimination, Land, Religion Emma McLaughlin Discrimination, Land, Religion Emma McLaughlin

Now it’s ours

They said it is Terra Nullius - uninhabited land. So now begins the idea of superiority and dominance over Indigenous people. That’s right in Genesis. Pick up a catholic bible and read genesis, what does it say after God created men? “So therefore, ye shall be fruitful, multiply, and subdue the world and have dominion over everything.”

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All deception and lies
Spirituality, Environment, Land Emma McLaughlin Spirituality, Environment, Land Emma McLaughlin

All deception and lies

The Earth is our mother in our Creation story. She gives us all this unconditional love and that gives us all these things from water, to animals, to corn, and beans and squash. Tell me then, what gives you the right to say that you’re going to buy it and that you have the right to sell it?

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Not just a hobby
Agriculture, Sustainability, Land Emma McLaughlin Agriculture, Sustainability, Land Emma McLaughlin

Not just a hobby

I learned to plant when I was a boy with my grandfather, so I’ve been planting a garden for the past almost 50 years now. When I was 18, I made a garden at my parents’ place. I just went out, turned the land over and planted. I didn’t ask what to do. I already knew what to do. It’s like it’s in you.

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Farm abundance
Family, Agriculture, Land Emma McLaughlin Family, Agriculture, Land Emma McLaughlin

Farm abundance

My father was laid back, a man of not many words. When I was younger, I asked him, “What did you do during the depression?" He looked at me kind of funny. He had a habit of kind of shrugging his shoulders.

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