STORIES / Okara’shòn:’a

Raised holy stink
Education, Culture Emma McLaughlin Education, Culture Emma McLaughlin

Raised holy stink

Some kids would go away for school and would come back and couldn’t be part of the community because they don’t speak Indian. It was a mess. So, we continued to raise holy stink. These were the grandchildren of the people that were in residential school, where the language was just plain taken away from them.  

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Upholding traditions
Tradition, Culture Jonathan Turenne Tradition, Culture Jonathan Turenne

Upholding traditions

Families would prepare lunches to bring to the grounds. Everyone looked forward to the picnic; it was special. It was a good feeling to see everyone gathered. Eventually, it became one of our traditions.

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Kahnawake history, Religion, Culture Emma McLaughlin Kahnawake history, Religion, Culture Emma McLaughlin


At the revival of the Mohawk language, people wanted to learn their language and their culture. The more they would learn, the more they would say, “Hey, there’s nothing wrong with who I am, there’s nothing wrong with me. There is nothing wrong with the way Shonkwaia’tíson’, or God, has made me. I am perfect just the way I am.”

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Childhood hijinks
Culture, Personal Marcus Bankuti Culture, Personal Marcus Bankuti

Childhood hijinks

I think the road from Kateri School to the hospital was the only road that was paved here in Kahnawake. There were a lot of dirt roads, a lot of hills. There were a lot of old houses. I remember a lot of the houses didn’t have good insulation, and in the wintertime there would be giant icicles on many houses - some right to the roof, right from the ground.

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Making lacrosse sticks
Arts, Lacrosse, Culture Emma McLaughlin Arts, Lacrosse, Culture Emma McLaughlin

Making lacrosse sticks

I love lacrosse. Even now, today. My husband Jimmy used to make lacrosse sticks. It was a lot of work. There was a show at the Olympic Stadium in Montreal a while ago. It was an exhibition on things Mohawks made, like lacrosse sticks or basket weaving.

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