STORIES / Okara’shòn:’a

Always something
1990 Crisis, Discrimination Kassidy Jacobs 1990 Crisis, Discrimination Kassidy Jacobs

Always something

There was another time when it was a hot day, and our bus was taking us down St. Germain Road to the back of the monastery where we were supposed to be meeting government officials for another day of negotiations. When we arrived, the SQ was there waiting for us.

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Ice water in our veins
1990 Crisis Kassidy Jacobs 1990 Crisis Kassidy Jacobs

Ice water in our veins

Our big negotiation was that we wanted food and medicine let in passed the barricades, as well as international observers. When we talked to news reporters about these demands and concerns, they took it as us saying we just wanted all of the land back. They totally misconstrued everything.

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Those guns won’t stop me
Personal, Family, 1990 Crisis Emma McLaughlin Personal, Family, 1990 Crisis Emma McLaughlin

Those guns won’t stop me

In 1990, we didn’t have any supplies in Kahnawà:ke because of the blockades. My husband Jimmy had a boat and my sister, Melissa, wanted to go shopping so Jimmy said, “Well okay Mel, get in my boat and I’ll take you.” She got on at Johnson’s Beach, and when they were halfway to the store, they had to land where the old movie theatre was in Dorval.

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Gun to gun
1990 Crisis, Mohawk Warriors Aaron McComber 1990 Crisis, Mohawk Warriors Aaron McComber

Gun to gun

Around the first of July, 1990, we went to Kanesatake. We set up patrols and camped out right there in the Pines. We didn’t expect the police to come the way they did. We thought the town workers from Oka were going to come up with chainsaws and bulldozers to start cutting down the trees and bulldoze the graves. That’s not what happened. 

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