Tell them not to shoot

Billy Two Rivers brings two people across the St. Lawrence river on his motorboat due to the blockade on the Mercier Bridge. Taken on August 29, 1990. (Credit: Benoit Aquin / Library and Archives Canada)

Story told by Peggy Mayo-Standup

In 1990, in the middle of August, a month after the Kanesatake resistance began, I was at work. I was a council member.

We started getting phone calls asking if we were aware of what was going on at 55th Avenue, at John Ciaccia's property at the dock in Dorval. We had no idea because we didn’t hear anything. I listened to the 12 o’clock news on CJAD and there was nothing.

I went home around 4 o’clock. I had a police scanner and kept hearing familiar names like Horn and Barnes and Stacey.

I recognized two of the names. I knew they were working on a job in Beauharnois. As I’m trying to figure out what’s going on, the telephone rings. It was the Peacekeepers. They asked if I could come to St. Constant right away, just past the Highway 30 exit. They tell me that there’s at least 8-12 ironworkers that are arrested who are refusing to cooperate with the police unless they talk to me.

The ironworkers left their cars parked at the dock in Dorval. They would leave in the morning by boat to go to Dorval and take their cars to go to work in Beauharnois. When they finished work, they would come back to Dorval, park their cars and come back home by boat because there was no way to get to Kahnawake. The bridge and all the exits were closed.

Mohawk Warriors surveil the Mercier Bridge blockade in August 1990. (Credit: Robert Galbraith / Kanien'keháka Onkwawén:na Raotitióhkwa Language and Cultural Center)

At the dock, French protesters were attacking the people from Kahnawake who were trying to get on the boats. They threw their groceries into the water and set fire to the dock.

There were a lot of riots going on. The ironworkers didn’t even attempt to come back across the river by Dorval. They had their cars with them in Beauharnois and thought that if they all went together, then the Frenchmen couldn't stop them from coming back into town.

They tried the Old Chateauguay Road first and then the 207. When that didn’t work, they said, “That’s it, we’re going on the 132 and we’re gonna drive right through those Frenchmen.”

By the time they got towards St. Constant, there were hundreds of Frenchmen protesting. The Frenchmen busted all of their windows and headlights and there were dents from where they were banging on their cars. A few of the ironworkers got out of their cars and beat up the protestors.

The SQ was there and arrested the ironworkers. They were being thrown to the ground and handcuffed behind their backs while the Frenchmen were still trying to kick them and the police were not stopping them.

The SQ arrested all 13 ironworkers and put them in the paddy wagon. They were told that their arrest was only a formality and that they’re going to be taken to Parthenais jail.

The Peacekeepers picked me up and we headed out. We got to the checkpoint but we couldn’t continue driving because there was a ditch. There were a lot of men at the checkpoint, especially on that day.

The Peacekeepers let me off and I started walking. As I got closer, I recognized three of the men who were arrested but I didn’t know the others.

I talked to the guy from the Longueuil Court and said, “This is ridiculous, you got them all in handcuffs behind their back for defending themselves?”

He agreed to take their handcuffs off and they were allowed to come out of the paddy wagon. I told them about what the process is; they’ll be taken to Parthenais where they’ll sign a promise to appear in court and then they’ll be released. Otherwise, they’re all going to be handcuffed again and thrown in jail.

After a good 45 minutes, they finally agreed to cooperate and then I don’t know what happened. One of the ironworkers said, “Peggy, I don’t believe one word that they’re telling you. They’re going to kick the shit out of us. We know what they’ve done to other people that have been arrested.”

So this ironworker breaks away along with three others and they start heading back towards the checkpoint. All of a sudden, the SQ get down on their knees and they’re cocking their guns and pointing them at the men

The army was hiding in the bulrushes by the train tracks near where the Tim Hortons is today. You could hear them cocking their guns too. There were guns pointed everywhere.

 Credit: Benoit Aquin / Library and Archives Canada

I was screaming, “Tell them not to shoot, tell them not to shoot,” but they were running after the men now with their guns pointed.

I went crazy at that moment. I picked up rocks and started throwing them. I started crying and screaming hysterically. Then the four that took off got through the checkpoint.

I still get emotional about it because that day I could’ve been killed. We could’ve all been killed.

Finally, I got back to the checkpoint. I don’t even know how I got back.

Those four got away but the other ironworkers were brought to Parthenais where they were processed and charged.

After all of that and everything that happened, the charges were dropped. Even for the four that took off.


Kanien'kéha ↓

Shehró:ri tóhsa ahonròn:tate’

Wayne Rice (left) stands with his hand atop a saw across from three Canadian Army soldiers under the Mercier Bridge. Taken on September 2, 1990. (Credit: Benoit Aquin / Library and Archives Canada)

Peggy Mayo-Standup Iakoká:raton

1990 shiiohserá:te’, sha’tewenhni’tí:hen ne Seskéha, sewenhnì:ta ohnà:ken Kanehsatà:ke tahontáhsawen’ wa’thonráhsaren’ tsi niiawen’hátiene’ raotiná:takon, tsi tewatio’ténhstha’ ié:ke’skwe’. Ktsénhaienskwe’.

Tontáhsawen’ ronatewennaten’hátie’s ratiri’wanóntha’ tóka’ ken ionkwaterièn:tare’ oh niiawen’hátie’ ne Wísk Niwáhsen Wísk Tsi Ioháhonte’. John Ciaccia raotenno’serà:ke Dorval tsi iehrahrhóhstha’. Iah ki’ thé:nen teionkwaterièn:tarahkwe’ né: tsi iah othé:nen teionkwarihwahrón:ken. Wa’katahónhsatate’ ne éntie’ ní:kare’ CJAD ratirihowanáhtha’ nahò:ten’ karihwanákere’ tánon’ iah ki’ thé:nen tehonathrorià:ton ne tho nón: niiorihwà:ke.

Ka’k nón: kaié:ri niiohwistà:’e sakahtén:ti’. Karíhton raoná:wen karihowanáhtha’ watién:tahkwe’ tánon’ wakathontétie’s tsi nikahsennò:ten’s khsennaién:tere’s tsi ní:ioht ne Horn, Barnes nok Stacey.

Tekahsén:nake ki’ wa’tekhsennaién:tere’ne’. Wakaterièn:tarahkwe’ Beauharnois kaio’tenhserà:ke thotiió’tekwe’. Tsi kate’niéntha’ akerihwatshén:ri’ oh niioterihwatié:ren, teiehtharáhkhwa’ wa’ohwistá:kahre’. Peacekeepers nen’ nè:’e. Wa’onkeri’wanón:tonhse’ tóka’ ken aón:ton’ óksa’k St. Constant aontá:ke’, kwah nek ienhsatóhetste’ wáhi ne 30 tsi iohá:te’. Ionkhró:ri aráne 8 tóka’ ni’ 12 nihá:ti ratirista’kehró:non ronwatiienà:’on ne iah tehonthón:tats tahatiié:na’ ne karíhton tsik tóka’ nì:’i teniakwahthá:ren’.

Dorval tsi iehrahrhóhstha’ iehonatkà:wen ne raoti’serehshòn:’a tho wahonte’seréhtaien’ ne ratirista’kehró:non. Ohrhon’kè:ne enhonhtén:ti’ kahonweià:ke, Dorval ienhón:ne’. Thó:ner enhontíta’ raoti’serehtakónhshon tánon’ Beauharnois enhotiio’ténhsera’. Nó:nen enhatíhsa’ tsi rotiió’te’, Dorval ienshón:ne’, enshonte’seréhtaien’ tánon’ kahonweià:ke enshonhtén:ti’ né: tsi iohahahnhotónnion ne Kahnawà:ke aiontáweia’te’. Wahskwahnhó:ton ò:ni’ tánon’ akwé:kon tsi  niiohaténion iohahahnhotónnion

Confrontation with Sureté de Quebec in Kahnawake in 1990. (Credit: Robert Galbraith / Kanien'keháka Onkwawén:na Raotitióhkwa Language and Cultural Center)

Tsi iehrahrhóhstha’ nón:we, O’serón:ni ratirihwáia’ks iehonwanatia’tóntie’s ne Kahnwa’kehró:non tsi ronte’niéntha’ kahón:wakon ahontíta’. Awèn:ke iahonatiéhseron’ ne raotenna’tshera’shòn:’a tánon’ wahonté:ka’te’ tsi iehrahrhóhstha’.

É:so rá:ti wahatinenhraká:ri’ ne thó:ne. Iah ki’ tánon’ tehonate’nién:ten ne ratirista’kehró:non ia’taonsahatiià:ia’ke’ tsi kaniataratátie’ Dorval nón:we.

Sahontó:ri’ Beauharnois ionsahón:ne’ tánon’ wahón:nehre’ tóka’ akwé:kon skátne ienhón:ne’, sok ki’ iah thahatikwé:ni’ ne O’serón:ni tahonwatí:tahste’ kaná:takon aonsahontáweia’te’.

Tiotierénhton wahonte’nién:ten’ ne Old Chateauguay tsi iohá:te’ sok 207 tsi iohá:te’. Iah ki’ ne teioio’tèn:’en, sok wahonnì:ron’, “Thok ki’ nikónhak, 132 tsi iohá:te’ entewathahón:ten’ tánon’ entewató:ri’ ia’teniethinenhróhetste’ thí:ken O’serón:ni rotihahahnhó:ton.”

Tsi ó:nen ákta ronattátie’ ne St. Constant, tewen’niawe’ékhon nihá:ti O’serón:ni tho rón:ne’skwe’ rotirihwáien’. O’serón:ni wa’thatsiserahrihtánion’ ne roati’sere’shòn:’a tánon’ wa’thatitsiserahrihtánion’ tsi nón: ahsonthèn:ne wathahserótha’ ne kà:sere. Iottakwará:son tsi nón: nahatinonhwáre’ke’ ne raoti’sere’shòn:’a. Tóhkara nihá:ti ratirista’kehró:non tahontitáhko’ raoti’serehtakónhshon tánon’ wahshakotírio’ ne rotirihwáien’.  

SQ tho rón:ne’skwe’ tánon’ wahonwatiié:na’ ne ratirista’kehró:non. Onhontsà:ke iahonwatiia’tón:ti’ ne ratirista’kehró:non tánon’ ratihsòn:ne niahatíhawe’ ne ratinentshà:ke wa’thonwatinentshawi’tánerenke’, tsi náhe’ shé:kon ronte’niéntha’ ne O’serón:ni ahonwanarahsentón:ko’. Tánon’ iah tha’tehonwatitáhston ne karíhton.

Akwé:kon ahsén: iawén:re nihá:ti ratirista’kehró:non wahonwatiié:na’ ne SQ tánon’ ka’seréhtakon wahonwatiia’títa’. Ronwatihró:ri tsi teiotonhontsóhon ahonwatiié:na’ ase’kénh tho ní:ioht tsi karihwahserón:ni ahotiió’ten’ ne karíhton nok tsi Parthenais ienhonwatiia’ténhawe’.

Peacekeepers taionkihnónkhsa’ tánon’ wa’akwahtén:ti’. Tsi tehshakotitáhstha’ ia’ákwawe’ nek tsi iah teiotòn:’on iaionkwatahsón:terake’ aiakwató:ri’ ase’kénh teiohrón:wehkwe’. É:so rá:ti ronnón:kwe tho rón:ne’skwe’ tsi tehshakotitáhstha’, kwah sénha tho shiwenhniserá:te’.

Tho ia’onkí’teron’ ne Peacekeepers tánon’ ehta’kéhshon wà:ke’. Tsi wa’káttate’, ahsén nihá:ti ronnón:kwe wa’kheién:tere’ne’ tsi nihá:ti ronwatiienà:’on nek tsi iah tekheienteríhne’ ne ronatia’kè:shon.

Shaià:ta wa’tiakenihthá:ren’ Longeuil tsi teieia’torehtáhkhwa’ thoió’te’ tánon’ wa’kì:ron’, “Teiotenonhwarorì:tonte’ kí:ken, ietshiienà:’on ratihsòn:ne tehonatenentshawi’táneren, né: ken tsi tahontatéhnhe’?”

Credit: Robert Galbraith / Kanien'keháka Onkwawén:na Raotitióhkwa Language and Cultural Center

Wahathón:tate’ tonsahshakonentshawi’tanerénhsi’ tánon’ wahonwatiríhon’ ka’seréhtakon tontahontitáhko’. Wa’khe’nikonhraientáhsten’ oh niiawénhsere’; Parthenais ienhonwatiia’ténhawe’, tho nón:we enhontatshén:naren’ enhatihrhá:ratste’ tsi teieia’torehtáhkhwa’ ienhotikè:tohte’ sok enshonwanátka’we’. Tóka’ iah, akwé:kon tenshonwatinentshawi’tánerenke’ tánon’ enhonwatihnhó:ton’.

Kaié:ri niwáhsen wísk nikahseriiè:take ohnà:ken, kháre ki’ ó:nen wahonthón:tate’ tho nahatí:iere’ tsi nahò:ten’ ronwatihró:ri sok iah ki’ tewakaterièn:tare’ oh na’á:wen’ne’. Shaià:ta ne ratirista’kehró:non wahèn:ron’, “Peggy, iah ne skawén:na tetkehtáhkhwa’ tsi nahò:ten’ iesahró:ri. Ionkhirióhsere’. Ionkwaterièn:tare’ oh nihshakotiierà:se’ ne ótia’ke onkwehshòn:’a tsi shakotiienà:’on.”

Sok ne kí: rarista’kehró:non tánon’ áhsen shé: nihá:ti ísi’ wahonhtén:ti’, sahonenonhátie’ tsi tehshakotitáhstha’. Ok thontaiawénhstsi’, wa’thontenentshó:ten’ ne SQ tánon’ wahatinien’serakétsko’ ne raotihonre’shòn:’a tánon’ iehonwatihonratá:ti ne ronnón:kwe.

Ratishotá:r ohsa’kén:takon thonatahséhton ákta tsi karistatátie’ tsi nón: Tim Hortons nikanónhsote’ nòn:wa. Ensathón:te’ne’ tsi ratinien’serakétskwas ne raotihonre’shòn:’a. Tsik nón:we tiohonrake’tó:ton.

Canadian army soldier walks along train tracks, just off the Mercier Train Bridge on September 3, 1990. (Credit: Benoit Aquin / Library and Archives Canada)

Tewakhenréhtha’, “Shehró:ri tóhsa ahonròn:tate’, shehró:ri tóhsa ahonròn:tate’,” nek tsi ó:nen ratitakhenóntie’ ronwatíhsere’ ne ronnón:kwe tánon’ iehonwatihonratá:ti.

Kwah tho shontakahá:wi wa’tkanonhwarawénrie’. Wa’tkeneniahkwánion’ tánon’ takatáhsawen’ wa’khenenióia’ke’. Wa’tkahséntho’ tánon’ wa’tewakhén:rehte’. Thó:ne thí: kaié:ri nihá:ti ne wahonhtén:ti’ wahatikwé:ni’ wahontóhetste’ tsi tehshakotitáhstha’.

Shé:kon ne entewakeriahsó:ka’te’ nòn:wa nè:’e tsi aiotòn:’on tho shiwenhniserá:te’ aionkwahséhton. Akwé:kon aiotòn:’on aionkhiiahséhton.

Kháre ó:nen, tsi tehshakotitáhstha’ sá:kewe’. Iah ki’ tánon’ tewakaterièn:tare’ oh ní:ioht tsi sá:kewe’.

Thí:ken kaié:ri nihá:ti ón:ton’ wahontè:ko’ nek tsi ne ronátia’ke ratirista’kehró:non Parthenais iehonwatiia’ténha. Tho nón:we wahatirihwahserón:ni’ ne raotirihwa’shòn:’a tánon’ wahonwatihiatónhseron’.

Tsi ó:nen akwé:kon onteweiennén:ta’ne’, khé:ken sahonwanátka’we’. Akwé:kon ne tsi nihá:ti ronatè:kwen.

Edited by: Melissa Stacey, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Translated by Sahawisó:ko’ Arquette

Kanien’kéha words in story

Melissa Stacey

Melissa Stacey is Kanien’kehá:ka from Kahnawake and is a graduate of Dawson College’s Health Science program. She has always had a strong passion for the sciences but will be pursuing Kanien’kéha language studies at Kanien’kéha Ratiwennahní:rats with the goal of becoming a second language speaker in her native language. Her position at Ionkwaká:raton has provided her with the opportunity to learn more about her community’s rich culture and history while also connecting with elders from across Kahnawake.


Little pigs


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