
A young Billy Two Rivers poses in a wrestling stance while in his gear and headdress. (Courtesy: Kanien'keháka Onkwawén:na Raotitióhkwa Language and Cultural Center)

Story Told by Billy Two Rivers

Tionontarí:kon, where the two hills come close, is also known today as Quebec City. Our people had trading posts set up all over this territory. A big focal point was a trading post that was established near the St. Charles River. 

The big palisade, also called Kanenhstatonhkó:wa, was built around this trading post for the people to help protect themselves. All of the logs of this barrier were sharpened and pointed out to safeguard the area. 

Now that guy, Jimmy Carter, came down from France. I know his real name is Jacques Cartier, but I like to see people's puzzled faces when I call him Jimmy Carter. Anyways, Jacques Cartier decided to take a rest at this place. When he asked the people what it was called, they said Kanenhstatonhkó:wa. He understood and wrote down Stadacona. 

After a journey of maybe two months on the ocean he says that he rested, was entertained, and given good hospitality by the chief of Stadacona whom he called Donnacona. It is now written in history that Stadacona was identified as an Iroquoian village founded in 1608. 




A drawing of Jacques Cartier ascending the St. Lawrence River, 1893. (Courtesy: Kanien'keháka Onkwawén:na Raotitióhkwa Language and Cultural Center)

Billy Two Rivers ROKÁ:RATON

Tionontarí:kon, tsi nón:we teionón:take tetiaterí:kon, ne ò:ni' òn:wa wenhniserá:te' Quebec City skonwana'tónhkhwa'. Ontionkwe'ta'shòn:'a tsi teiontatawístha' tahatiketskohá:ton' tsik nón:we ne kèn:tho tsi niwatonhóntses. Ákta ne St. Charles Kaniataratátie' énska kowá:nen tsi teiontatawístha' tkaién:tahkwe'.

Waten'enhrowá:nen, ne ò:ni' Kanenhstatonhkó:wa konwá:iats, wahonnón:ni' áktontie' ne kí:ken tsi teiontatawístha ne ki' naón:ton' aontahontatéhnhehste'. Kwah akwé:kon wahatihio'thiiáthon' ne tsi nikarón:take waten'enhronnià:ton ne wáhi ne akanónhstate' eh nón:we.

Ok nòn:wa thí:ken rón:kwe, Jimmy Carter, O'seronni'onwè:ke nontahawenonhátie'. Wakaterièn:tare' tsi Jacques Cartier ne rahsenna'ón:we, nek tsi wakon'wéskwani ki' nakatkáhtho' tsi niió:re tsi rotinekhé:rens nihatikonhsò:ten nó:nen Jimmy Carter enhinà:tonhkwe'. Tiótkon ki', Jacques Cartier ia'thorihwaién:ta'se' ne kèn:tho ahatoríshen'. Shahshakorihwanón:ton'se' nón:kwe ne nahò:ten' konwá:iats wahonnì:ron' ne Kanenhstatonhkó:wa. Waho'nikonhraién:ta'ne' tánon' wahahiá:ton' Stadacona.

Shaháhsa' tsi tehotstikahwhenhátie' kania'tara'kehkowáhne ki' ónhte tewenhnì:take nikarì:wes wahèn:ron' tsi wahatoríshen', wahonwa'nikonhró:ri', tánon' kwah ioiánere' wa'thohrhò:ton' ne Stadacona shakoiá:ner, ne ki' Donnacona wahonà:tonhkwe'. Òn:wa wenhniserá:te' eh nón:we ne tsi niiawénhseron kahiá:ton tsi Rotinonhsión:ni eh thati'terón:tahkwe' Stadacona néne 1608 thonatenatíson'.

Edited by: Kassidy Jacobs, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Translated by Karonhí:io Delaronde

Interview conducted by Leslie McConnel



Life in the big garden

