Upholding traditions

Courtesy: Kanien'keháka Onkwawén:na Raotitióhkwa Language and Cultural Center

Story told by Gordie Oke

Traditions are important to uphold; they are where we come from, after all. I remember when I was a young teenager, we used to have a July 1st picnic (in Kanesatake) that everyone in the community would attend.  

There were races and activities for the kids, and the United Church women had a stand to promote their church and raise money. We would even bring in country bands to play shows at night.  

Families would prepare lunches to bring to the grounds. Everyone looked forward to the picnic; it was special. It was a good feeling to see everyone gathered. Eventually, it became one of our traditions.  

This is how the Mohawk people are so strong. We are honest, helpful people with good beliefs, and we should continue these traditions moving forward. We should turn to the traditional people to truly find out who we are. They continue their practices and beliefs even today.  



Iaonsaiontahsónteren' ne tsi niiakorihò:ten


Iorihowá:nen se' ne iaonsaiontahsónteren' ne tsi niiakorihò:ten; kwah tho nón:we nitionkwé:non, tsi iá:we. Kè:iahre' kwah ken' shitewatién:ha, Ohiarihkó:wa Énska shískare' kahentà:ke teniakwatskà:hon' néne kanatakwé:kon éntien'.  

Tenhonré:ron' tánon' enhonte'nikonhró:ri' ne ratiksa'okòn:'a, tánon' enkontihsennó:wanahte' tsi konterennaientáhkhwa' tánon' ne teionaterihwiiohstonhtsherákhen enkontihwistarò:roke'. Kwah se' ò:ni' entiakhiia'ténhawe' kahenta'kéha ronterennótha' enhonterennó:ten' no'karahsnéha.  

Eniontenna'tsheronniánion' ne iehwatsiraién:ton ieniéhawe' tsi nón:we ionkwatia'tarò:ron. Akwé:kon iaon'wéskwaht tsi eniakohrhá:reke' ne kahenta'kéha teiontskà:hons; é:so tsi karihwanó:ronhkwe'. Ion'wé:sen ki' wáhi ne taiontátken' tsi iakotia'tarò:ron. Kháre' ó:nen, tsorì:wa ne tsi niionkwarihò:ten ón:ton'.  

Ken' ní:tsi wáhi ronate'shatstenhsera'karitá:ton ne Kanien'kehá:ka. Ionkwaterihwakwaríhsion, iakwatòn:ron karihwí:io's tiakwehtáhkhwa', tánon' iaonsakwatahsónteren' wáhi ne ken' niionkwarihò:ten's ne ken' enskahá:wihte'. Rotiweiennaká:ion wáhi naionsaiakhiiatié:ra'te' ne aiakwatshén:ri' ónhka kwah nì:'i. Shé:kon òn:wa wenhniseraténion iehotikontáhkwen tsi nihotirihò:ten tánon' tsi nahò:ten' thonnehtáhkhwa'.  

Translated by Karonhí:io Delaronde



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