STORIES / Okara’shòn:’a

Making lacrosse sticks
Arts, Lacrosse, Culture Emma McLaughlin Arts, Lacrosse, Culture Emma McLaughlin

Making lacrosse sticks

I love lacrosse. Even now, today. My husband Jimmy used to make lacrosse sticks. It was a lot of work. There was a show at the Olympic Stadium in Montreal a while ago. It was an exhibition on things Mohawks made, like lacrosse sticks or basket weaving.

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For Ada
Arts, Tradition, Family Melissa Stacey Arts, Tradition, Family Melissa Stacey

For Ada

The cradleboard that I made for my granddaughter Ada was my first one. I didn’t make it fancy because I tried to make it more of a traditional style. I was inspired to make this cradleboard seeing that my grandmother and great aunt had also used one.

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