STORIES / Okara’shòn:’a

Always something
1990 Crisis, Discrimination Kassidy Jacobs 1990 Crisis, Discrimination Kassidy Jacobs

Always something

There was another time when it was a hot day, and our bus was taking us down St. Germain Road to the back of the monastery where we were supposed to be meeting government officials for another day of negotiations. When we arrived, the SQ was there waiting for us.

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Ice water in our veins
1990 Crisis Kassidy Jacobs 1990 Crisis Kassidy Jacobs

Ice water in our veins

Our big negotiation was that we wanted food and medicine let in passed the barricades, as well as international observers. When we talked to news reporters about these demands and concerns, they took it as us saying we just wanted all of the land back. They totally misconstrued everything.

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Those guns won’t stop me
Personal, Family, 1990 Crisis Emma McLaughlin Personal, Family, 1990 Crisis Emma McLaughlin

Those guns won’t stop me

In 1990, we didn’t have any supplies in Kahnawà:ke because of the blockades. My husband Jimmy had a boat and my sister, Melissa, wanted to go shopping so Jimmy said, “Well okay Mel, get in my boat and I’ll take you.” She got on at Johnson’s Beach, and when they were halfway to the store, they had to land where the old movie theatre was in Dorval.

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Could've died
Personal, Spirituality, St. Lawrence River Emma McLaughlin Personal, Spirituality, St. Lawrence River Emma McLaughlin

Could've died

When I was a kid, I remember seeing the older women, the grandmothers, swimming in the river. They were very modest and they wore handmade black dresses, even for swimming. I think they would jump into the river behind the church and float way out in the middle of the river. We could hear them laughing and laughing, floating down with their dresses that would make an air bubble around them.

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The mighty St. Lawrence river

The mighty St. Lawrence river

The St. Lawrence River played an important role in our daily lives, especially for families living by the riverside in the old village area of Kahnawake. On sunny nice days, community women would go down to the shore and wash laundry with large bar soap and scrub boards in hand and children in tow.

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Kahnawake history, Religion, Culture Emma McLaughlin Kahnawake history, Religion, Culture Emma McLaughlin


At the revival of the Mohawk language, people wanted to learn their language and their culture. The more they would learn, the more they would say, “Hey, there’s nothing wrong with who I am, there’s nothing wrong with me. There is nothing wrong with the way Shonkwaia’tíson’, or God, has made me. I am perfect just the way I am.”

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Living that dream
Religion, Personal, Spirituality Emma McLaughlin Religion, Personal, Spirituality Emma McLaughlin

Living that dream

I met Onkwehón:we who didn’t even speak English all the way from Manitoba, BC, and other Western provinces. Many came to me and said, “I got no education. I never went to school. But I worked in my community for many years. I know my culture, I know my traditions, I know my history, and I know the church.”

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Good and proud
Language, Education Owen Mayo Language, Education Owen Mayo

Good and proud

I worked at Karonhianónhnha' Tsi Ionterihwaienstáhkhwa' for 20 years, starting in 1989. When I started, they were struggling to find teachers. We had quite a lot of speakers back then but few that would teach. I began as a volunteer teacher’s assistant to help a friend of mine who taught social studies and science because he would sometimes be at a loss for words.

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Make one school
Education, Kahnawake history Simona Rosenfield Education, Kahnawake history Simona Rosenfield

Make one school

There was a big sign in front of where the Ed Center used to be, where the library is today, inviting people to come and give their opinion. There were many opportunities for parents to voice their opinion or concerns. People did not come forward, so it looked like it was a go. I remember thinking it will never work. I hear the talk. Parents will not accept this, so I brought that up at an admin meeting.

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Black and blue
Residential school, Religion, Language Aaron McComber Residential school, Religion, Language Aaron McComber

Black and blue

Ti-bert used to dream out loud in Mi'kmaq, which they called the devil’s language. And if you spoke in Mi'kmaq, or even in English, you got beaten. Every night Ti-bert would miss his grandmother and would dream about her. So of course, he spoke in his sleep in his language because his grandmother didn’t speak French or English.

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Kids at the water
Personal, Kahnawake history Emma McLaughlin Personal, Kahnawake history Emma McLaughlin

Kids at the water

When I was a kid, we all used to go swimming at the Wharf. It was so nice. The best part of swimming there was when people would come and throw silver dollars in the water to see if you could catch it. I never caught a coin, never. I wasn’t fast enough. If I was fast enough, the other person trying to get it would take my hand and almost break my finger to get the money.

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St. Patrick’s Mission
Residential school, Family Emma McLaughlin Residential school, Family Emma McLaughlin

St. Patrick’s Mission

My father and my uncle, they were sent to a residential school in Oklahoma, in 1909. They had a railroad ticket around their necks. The conductors took care of them until they reached Oklahoma. Their parents didn’t want them attending there because already rumours were circulating about these schools. So anyway, they ended up there in Anadarko, Oklahoma at St Patrick’s Mission boarding school.

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