St. Patrick’s Mission
Children and staff gather in front of St. Patrick's mission in Anadarko, Oklahoma. (Courtesy: Só:se Raientonnis)
Story told by Só:se Raientonnis
My father and my uncle, they were sent to a residential school in Oklahoma, in 1909. They had a railroad ticket around their necks. The conductors took care of them until they reached Oklahoma.
Their parents didn’t want them attending there because already rumours were circulating about these schools. So anyway, they ended up there in Anadarko, Oklahoma at St Patrick’s Mission boarding school.
This school accepted only Indian children who were born in the United States. My father and uncle were born in Kahnawà:ke so they weren’t eligible to go there. But since my grandmother was born in Akwesáhsne, on the New York side, they used her name - Diome. My father became Angus Diome, and my uncle was Charlie Diome.
But in 1911, someone from Kahnawà:ke sent them a letter and used their real names. So, the director of the school, he says, “Who is this Angus and Charles Canadian? We have no students here by that name. But we have an Angus and Charles, they’re brothers.”
So, they were called into the office. The director wanted to know how they managed to get a name like that. One thing led to another and they ended up being expelled. So, more railroad tickets around their neck to come back home.
Tehonwatikhahsiónkwen Tsi Thonterihwaienstáhkhwa'
A letter written on June 22, 1914 by the Dominion Immigration Agent, John Hoolahan, to the Windsor boarder inspector asking permission for brothers Angus and Charlie Canadian to cross the boarder. (Courtesy: Só:se Raientonnis)
Só:se Raientonnis ROKÁ:RATON
Rake'níha' tánon' rakenonhà:'a, Oklahoma nonkwá:ti iahonwanaténniehte tsi nón:we ne tehonwatikhahsiónkwen tsi thonterihwaienstáhkhwa', ne 1909 shiiohserá:te'. Thiio'kéha katíkeht rotihtienhátie'. Wahonwanate'nikòn:raren' ne thiio'kéha rontóries tsi niió:re iahà:newe' Oklahomáhne.
Iah tehiahská:nekswe' ne ronwatiièn:'a ken' nón:we ià:ne' ase'kénh ok nà:'a shikarihwanakerátie' tsi nítioht ne ken' nón:we ionterihwaienstaniónhkhwa'. Tiótkon ki', Anadarko Oklahoma iahà:newe' tsi nón:we St. Patrick's Mission tehonwatikhahsiónkwen tsi thonterihwaienstáhkhwa'.
Nek Onkwehón:we ratiksa'okòn:'a' néne Wastonhronòn:ke thonennakerá:ton shos enthonwatiia'tínion'te'. Kahnawà:ke thonennakerá:ton ne rake'níha tánon' rakenonhà:'a ne ki' iah thia'tehotiia'taierì:'on eh ià:ne'. Nek tsi tsi Ahkwesásne tiakawennakerá:ton ne akhsótha', tsi nonkwá:ti ne New York Tsi Watonhontsá:te', teiakohsennà:sere' sà:iatste' - Diome. Angus Diome sahá:ton' ne rake'níha tánon' Charlie Diome sahá:ton' ne rakenonhà:'a.
Nek tsi ne 1911 shiiohserá:te', ónhka'k ne Kahnawà:ke tienákere' iahonwatihiá:ton'se' tánon' wà:'ontste' ne tehotihsenna'sere'ón:we. Thò:ne ki' ne ohén:ton' ì:rate' ne ionterihwaienstáhkhwa', wahèn:ron', "Onhkarè:shon kí:ken Angus tánon' Charles Canadian? Iah teionkwaksà:taien' kèn:'en ne tho na'tehotihsennà:sere'. Nek tsi ionkwaksà:taien' ne Angus tánon' Charles, iatate'kèn:'a nen' nè:'e."
Tsi thahiatónhkhwa' tahshakò:nonke'. Wahahská:neke' ne ohén:ton' ì:rate' ahotó:kenhse' tsi ní:tsi rotihsennaientà:'on ne eh na'kahsennò:ten'. Nia'té:kon tonsakonterihwahsonterá:ko' tánon' sahshakorihwarákwahte' tsi iaterihwaiénstha'. Ó:ia' sahianíhtiake' ne thiio'kéha katíkeht tsi tontahiahtén:ti'.
Translation by Karonhí:io Delaronde