STORIES / Okara’shòn:’a

My mom
Personal, Family Emma McLaughlin Personal, Family Emma McLaughlin

My mom

My Mom was not 60 years old when she passed away from an accident that she had with my father, a car accident. She was determined, because my father was getting older, that she needed to have a driver’s license.

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Rubbed off
Personal, Family Simona Rosenfield Personal, Family Simona Rosenfield

Rubbed off

Way back when, I think the community was closer than what we are now. It’s still close, but there was more respect at that time. I guess we put money first, before anything else.

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Her doll
Personal, Family Simona Rosenfield Personal, Family Simona Rosenfield

Her doll

A few weeks after everything, she did call me and asked me if I could come to her house. She was sitting in the bedroom of her son. The way he left it is the way she left it.

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Personal, Family Simona Rosenfield Personal, Family Simona Rosenfield


When our youngest daughter was five years old, she went to kindergarten in the community. We were told that one of the children in her class had an accident on the weekend, where the milk truck ran over her classmate. Here we go again, right?

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The fourth child
Personal, Family Simona Rosenfield Personal, Family Simona Rosenfield

The fourth child

Growing up, I always had dolls to play with, and I used to have dreams about having my own children. Bringing them around the kitchen table and making sure the table was always full. When we had our five children, I was a stay-at-home mom.

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Family, Tradition Simona Rosenfield Family, Tradition Simona Rosenfield


It’s so different now. One of the main things I find, when I was raising my children, how it really was a community that raised a child.

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Personal, Family Simona Rosenfield Personal, Family Simona Rosenfield


After I graduated high school, I worked a year, then got married and had babies. I had three babies in a row. It was challenging at times, but I can’t imagine life without them.

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A good roar
Personal, Family Simona Rosenfield Personal, Family Simona Rosenfield

A good roar

Our youngest one - when she started school, I participated in a lot of activities. For Halloween they always had a parade in the gymnasium.

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