Rubbed off

Courtesy: Joe Jacobs

Story told by Joe Jacobs

Way back when, I think the community was closer than what we are now. It’s still close, but there was more respect at that time. I guess we put money first, before anything else. All that residential school stuff in our community, maybe whatever they were trying to do works slowly. Maybe it succeeded. Even a friend of mine kind of said that. 

“I think they succeeded.”

After a certain point, they feel it. You feel anger.

I think the families were much closer at that time when I was growing up than how they are now today.

With our family, my wife and I, we try to keep a close bond with the grandchildren so it will rub off on them.

I haven’t touched alcohol for over 40 years. My oldest boy, I think it’s 15 or 16 years he hasn’t touched a drop of alcohol. Right there I’m grateful it rubbed off. I hope they can do that with their children.

Because that’ll ruin the family.

There was alcohol in the family. My grandfather would have a few drinks, but he’d only drink, maybe Saturdays. But, Monday morning he was back to work. The bus used to pass here. He’d wait for that bus.

 He never missed his work because of alcohol. He knew he had a family to raise. He raised us very well. I’m grateful.

Tho nahorihò:ten’ne’

Joe Jacobs roká:raton

Wahón:nise’ tsi náhe’, í:kehre’ tsi sénha ákta iákwe’skwe’ kanakerahserá:kon tsi ní:ioht nòn:wa. Shé:kon ákta í:ken, nek tsi sénha karihkwakweniénhston ne thó:ne. Khé:re káti’ ken ohwísta’ ohén:ton iatiohétstha’. Tsi nahatí:iere’ tsi iontientáhkhwa’ tsi ionterihwaienstáhkhwa’, tóka’ nòn:wa tsi naho’ténhshon ronte’niénthahkwe’ skennen’shòn:’a tsi ioió’tens.

Tóka’ se’ ken nòn:wa tó:ske tsi wa’oió’ten’. Akwé:kon ne ontiatén:ro ne wahèn:ron’.

“Í:kehre’ tsi wahatirihwaié:rite’.”

Kwah ken’ nikarì:wes sok enhónttoke’. Ensatena’kwáta’ahse’.

Kwah í:kehre’ sénha ákta rón:ne’skwe’ kahwatsire’ó:kon ne thó: shikahá:wi shontonkwatehiahróntie’ tsi ní:ioht nòn:wa.

Í: onkwahwá:tsire, tiakenì:teron, iatiate’niéntha’ ákta aiakwè:sheke’ iakhiiatere’okòn:’a oh naiá:wen’ne’ sha’tahotiriho’ténhake’.

Iah ken’ thiewatié:ren onon’tákeri skáhere 40 niiohserá:ke. Thakowá:nen riièn:’a, kwah í:kehre’ tóka’ 15 tóka’ ni’ 16 niiohserá:ke iah skastá:ra ken’ thiehoié:ren nonon’tákeri. Ne tho nón: wakerien’tí:io’s tsi raónha ó:ni’ tho nahorihò:ten’ne’. Aiá:wens aón:ton’ eh nahshakotiié:ra’se’ ne shakotiien’okòn:’a.

Nè:’e tsi tho enkarihwéntho’ ne kahwá:tsire.

Ratihnekíhrhahkwe’ ne kahwá:tsire. Rakhsótha tóhkara shes enhahnekì:ra’, nek tsi Entákta thó:ne’k tóka’ enhahnekì:ra’. Nek tsi, Awentata’ón’ke ohrhón’ke shoio’ténhseron. Ken’ shes watohétstha’ ne iakoia’takarénie’s. Enhatehrhá:rate’ thí:ken iakoia’takarénie’s.

Iah nonwén:ton tha’tehotohetstén:ni ahoio’ténhsera’ tsi wahahnekì:ra’. Roterièn:tarahkwe’ tsi rohwatsí:raien ahshakawehià:ron’. Tahateweièn:ton’ tsi ní:ioht tsi wahshonkwehià:ron’. Wakerien’tí:io’s.

Edited by: Simona Rosenfield, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Translation by: Sahawisó:ko’ Arquette


Before the seaway


Three times