STORIES / Okara’shòn:’a

Farm abundance
Family, Agriculture, Land Emma McLaughlin Family, Agriculture, Land Emma McLaughlin

Farm abundance

My father was laid back, a man of not many words. When I was younger, I asked him, “What did you do during the depression?" He looked at me kind of funny. He had a habit of kind of shrugging his shoulders.

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My mom
Personal, Family Emma McLaughlin Personal, Family Emma McLaughlin

My mom

My Mom was not 60 years old when she passed away from an accident that she had with my father, a car accident. She was determined, because my father was getting older, that she needed to have a driver’s license.

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A special time
Education Simona Rosenfield Education Simona Rosenfield

A special time

After a few years in the classroom, I became principal of Karonhianónhnha Immersion School. Oh my goodness, those were the days.

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Kahnawake history Simona Rosenfield Kahnawake history Simona Rosenfield


There used to be a dance hall specifically for young people. It was called Joe Delisle’s Dance Hall, and it had a jukebox and a soda bar. That’s where we used to go in the evening and dance, dance up a storm.

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