
Before getting married, Kaia’titákhe Jacobs and Kenneth Jacobs would frequent the waterfront in the summer of 1955, before the construction of the St. Lawrence Seaway. Pictured second to the right, the couple pose for a picture with their friends. (Courtesy: Kaia’titákhe Jacobs)

Story told by Kaia’titákhe Jacobs

There used to be a dance hall specifically for young people. It was called Joe Delisle’s Dance Hall, and it had a jukebox and a soda bar. That’s where we used to go in the evening and dance, dance up a storm.

Anybody from town would know where Joe Delisle’s Dance Hall used to be, it was near the tunnel.

Young people, I don’t know where they go to dance now.

I used to live at this end of town near the church, and the dance hall was at the other end of town near the tunnel. We used to have to walk all that way down and back, and it was kind of fun too. Because then, if a boy you liked walked you home, that was kind of thrilling.

Joe Delisle’s Dance Hall would close in the winter. Across the street was Howard’s Chip Stand. It was smaller but it had a jukebox. That became the winter hangout.   

They were very innocent times. I don’t think there’s any such thing as innocence anymore.

Iah kwah nia’té:kon terihwaienté:ri nahò:ten’ io’táksen

Kaia’titákhe Jacobs iakoká:raton

Kanonhsó:tahkwe’ ne teienonniahkwà:tha’ ne ken’ nitiakoièn:sa akó:wen. Joe Delisle’s Dance Hall konwá:iatskwe’, iehwisténhtha’ waterennótha’ tho kaién:tahkwe’ tánon’ wathnekatákwas tsi ieionthnekaráhkhwa’. Tho shes teniakwanonniahkwà:na’ o’karahsnéha, tánon’ kwah wa’tiakwahnónniahkwe’.

Thikawenní:io ónhka’k ne Kahnawa’kehró:non aiakoterièn:tarake’ ka’ nón: nikanonhsó:tahkwe’ ne Joe Delisle’s Dance Hall, o’wharákta tkanonhsó:tahkwe’.

Iah tewakaterièn:tare ka’ nón: ken’ nithotiièn:sa tehatinonniahkwà:ne’s nòn:wa.

Ken’ na’kaná:tati shes kénakere’ kanonhsákta ne ononhsatokénhti, tánon’ tsi teienonniahkwà:tha’ kanónhsote ísi’ na’kaná:tati tkanonhsó:tahkwe’ o’wharákta.

Ó:nen’k tsi shes tho ia’teniakwatáhkwaien’ ok tentiákwe’ tentiakwahtákwaien’, tánon’ ostón:ha ion’wesénhne’ ni’ nè:’e.

Né: tsi tóka’ ranekénhteron tsi tshenòn:we’s skátne tetsahtáhkwaien’ tsi sesahtentionhátie’, iaonhnhakétskwaht nen’ nè:’e.

Enwatehnhó:ton’ ne Joe Delisle’s Dance Hall tsi niióhseres. Ísi’ na’oháhati tkanónhsote ne Howard’s Chip Stand. Sénha ne ken’ nikanonhsà:’a nek tsi iehwisténhtha’ waterennótha’ kaién:tahkwe’. Tho nonkwá: ia’akwatonkwè:nehste’ akohserà:ke nikahá:wi.

Iah kwah nia’té:kon tehatirihwaienteríhne’ ne io’táksen ne ken’ nithotiièn:sa. Iah í:kehre’ teskanákere’ ne tho naióhton òn:wa wenhniserá:te.

Edited by: Simona Rosenfield, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Translation by Sahawisó:ko’ Arquette


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Before the seaway