
Courtesy: Joe McGregor

Story told by Joe McGregor

It’s very strange, about us, because we’re very similar.

My wife, Amelia, she was living down the road. I met my wife, and we were together a few days, and then we separated. Up to this day, I don’t know how we got back together. 

We separated about twice - not arguing, we just tried something else. And we wound up to be together and we got married finally. That’s all we both needed, we never went out with anybody else.

My wife is good to me, and we argue like anybody else, but if you don’t argue, then what’s the fun, right? But, in a good way, always in a good way. We get mad at each other once in a while, and she doesn’t cook for me for a day or so. I have to cook for myself. So, okay, I’m sorry now. 

But, I forget, and I make her mad again, and here we are. We’ve been married for a hundred years already.

Courtesy: Joe McGregor


Kanien'kéha ↓


Courtesy: Joe McGregor

Joe McGregor Roká:raton

Kwah í:ken tsi iorihwanekhé:ren nì:’i, nè:’e tsi kwah tokèn:’en sha’teiakenonhnhò:ten. Tiakenì:teron, Amelia, tsi wa’ohatátie’ tie’terón:tahkwe’. Wa’tiatiatátken’ ne tiakenì:teron, tánon’ tóhka nón:ta wa’tiatiahsonteratiè:shon’, sok ki’ wa’tiatiatekháhsi’. Shé:kon nòn:wa iah tewakaterièn:tare’ oh ní:tsi skátne ionsaiákene’.

Tóka’ tékeni ia’tká:ienhte’ tonsaiatiatekháhsi’ – iah ne té:ken tsi teiakenirihwakéhnhas, kwah nek ki’ ó:ia’ nahò:ten’ wa’atiate’nién:ten’. Sok tsi na’á:wen’ne’ skátne ionsaiákene’, kháre ó:nen wa’onkeníniake’.
Thok ki’ ní:kon teiakenitsá:ron teiontiatonhontsoníhne’, iah nonwén:ton ne akò:ren teiontiaterihwíson’.

Teionkerihwahsniè:se’ ne tiakenì:teron tánon’ teiakenirihwakéhnhas tsi ní:ioht ne akohrèn:shon, nek tsi tóka’ iah tha’taiesenirihwakéhnha’, iah thé:nen tewatkahrì:tsherare’, wáhi. Nek tsi, ion’wé:sen tsi ní:ioht, tiótkon se’ ion’wé:sen tsi ní:ioht. Ken’ na’tekónteron teniatiatatenà:khwa’se’, sewenhnísera tóka’ ni’ tewenhniserá:ke iah ki’ thaionkekhónnien’. Ó:nen’k tsi enkatatekhónnien’. Háo’, sewakatathrewáhton ó:nen.

Nek tsi ensewake’nikónhrhen’, tánon’ ensekhena’kón:ni’ á:re, sok ken’ ki’ iákene’s. Énska tewen’niáwe niiohserá:ke ó:nen shiionkeniniákon.

Translation by Sahawisó:ko’ Arquette

Kanien’kéha words in story


My wife beat me up

