My wife beat me up
Courtesy: Joe McGregor
Story told by Joe and Amelia McGregor
Joe: Amelia wasn’t working at the time. Each morning, she’d be sleeping so I’d always give her a kiss and then go to work. This time, while she was sleeping, I went there to kiss her and she punched my face.
Amelia: I didn’t punch your face! I must’ve been dreaming about something and I heard maybe his voice in the background, I don’t know. I had my wedding rings on and all of a sudden, my arm went up just as he was about to kiss me. The stone on my ring hit him right in the eye. I didn’t realize anything.
Joe: When I came home from work, she said, “How did you get the black eye?”
I said, “Didn’t you know? You’re the one who did it!”
Amelia: They made fun of him saying, “Your wife beat you up.” They made fun of me too. I had a hard time living that one down
Kanien'kéha ↓
Tiakenì:teron wa’ónkerio’
Courtesy: Joe McGregor
Só:se McGregor tánon’ Amelia McGregor rotiká:raton
Só:se: Amelia iah teiakoió’tehkwe’ ne tho shontakahá:wi. Thia’teiohrhon’kehtsherá:ke, eniakotà:sheke’ ne káti’ tenkhenoronhkwánion’ sok enwatio’ténhsera’. Kí:ken nikahá:wi, tsi náhe’ shiiakó:ta’s, tho iahà:ke’ takhenoronhkwánion’ tánon’ wa’onkkonhsáia’ke’.
Amelia: Iah ki’ tekonkonhsáien’! Entà:’on ki’ tiok nahò:ten’ wakatetshen’èn:ne’ tánon’ tóka’ nòn:wa ohnà:ken nonkwá:ti wahiwenná:ronke’, tó:ka. Wakanihsnonhsawì:ton ne iakoniákstha’ akwanihsnónhsawi ok thontaiawénhstsi’, wa’kanentshakétsko’ kwah tsi nikahá:wi tontahakenoronhkwaniòn:nene’. Iotsísto ne akwanihsnónhsawi wahokahráia’ke’. Iah ki’ thé:nen tewakattó:ken.
Só:se: Tsi ó:nen sá:kewe’ tsi watió’te’, wa’ì:ron’, “Oh na’á:wen’ne’ tsi satkahráien’?”
Tontakì:ron’, “Iah ken tesaterièn:tare’? Í:se’ ki’ nen’ nè:’e eh tho náhsiere’!”
Amelia: Ok thahonwaié:ron’ rón:ton, “Shekstén:ha wa’esário’ wáhi.” Ok tha’ontié:ron’ ni’ nì:’i. Wentó:re se’ nón:kwe aonsaiako’nikónhrhen’ tsi niwatié:ren.
Edited by: Melissa Stacey, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
Translation by Sahawisó:ko’ Arquette