Left handed twin

Story told by Kevin Ka’nahsohon Deer

A painting done by artist Arnold Jacobs from Six Nations portrays the Haudenosaunee Creation Story. A framed print of the original painting hangs in Kevin’s home. (Courtesy: Kevin Ka’nahsohon Deer)

In our Creation story, the left-handed twin is the Creator’s brother. I don’t hate him. He’s still my grandfather. But Christianity says, “No, you’ve got to hate the Devil, be at war with the Devil.” All this made up stuff to confuse the hell out of humans. 

All you’ve got to understand is that he’s contrary to life. So you need to see what his role is because if not, you’re going to create problems for yourself physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually.

Skywoman’s daughter gives birth to the Creator and his brother. So Christianity says that it’s God and the Devil, but our Creation story says no, it’s the Creator and his Brother. 

It’s just like the ying and the yang. You can’t have life without the other. There’s the interplay between the two. You have to look at it like being in equilibrium, just like a seesaw. 

The trick is, how do you keep it in balance? Because our thoughts become our actions and sometimes our actions take us this way or that way. Once you understand and respect the rules of the two, you have to maintain the balance and walk in equilibrium as much as possible. That’s the struggle. 

It’s just the paired opposite. You can’t have one without the other.


Kanien'kéha ↓

Shanekwá:ti tehákhen

Credit: Emma McLaughlin

Kevin Ka’nahsohon Deer roká:raton

Tsi nì:’i ní:ioht tsi tewaienté:ri tsi ní:tsi tiotonhontsatáhsawe’, shanekwá:ti teháhkhen ne Shonkwaia’tíson’ iatate’kèn:’a. Iah tehíhswens. Shé:kon ki’ nè:’e rakhsótha’. Nek tsi karihwiiohstónhtshera’ wá:ton, “Iah, ó:nen’k tsi énhtshwen’ ne ratkon’seráksen, tsateriióhak.”

Akwé:kon nek thikáhson’ taiakoni’tónnia’te’ nonkwehshòn:’a.

Kwah nek ki’ teiotonhontsóhon aiesaterièn:tarake’ tsi ákte niehshoierà:ton tsi tiónhnhe’. Né: ká:ti’ ó:nen’k tsi ensa’nikonhraién:ta’ne’ tsi nihoio’tenhserò:ten. Tóka iah, enhsatatkarón:ni’ tsi nonkwá:ti ne tseròn:ke, sa’nikòn:ra’, tánon’ tsi nahò:ten’ tisehtáhkwen.

Ieronhia’kehró:non wahonwanatewe’tón:hahse’ ne Shonkwaia’tíson’ tánon’ ne iatate’kèn:’a. Karihwiiohstónhtshera’ wá:ton tsi Rawenní:io tánon’ ne Ratkon’seráksen í:ken. Nek tsi nì:’i ní:ioht tsi tewaienté:ri tsi ní:tsi tiotonhontsatáhsawe’ wá:ton iah, Shonkwaia’tíson’ tánon’ ne iatate’kèn:’a í:ken.

Akwah sha’té:ioht ne ying nok yang. Iah thaón:ton’ ahsónhnheke’ tóka’ tsorì:wa nenhshá:wake’. Tetsá:ron teiotiienawà:kon. Tánon’ ó:nen’k tsi enhska’én:ion’ tsi ní:ioht tsi sha’tetionátté’, tsi ní:ioht ne attsirón:tawe’.

Né: ki’ kari’wanóntha’, oh ní:ioht tsi enhsianakwaríhsi’? Nè:’e tsi, tsi ní:tsi tewanonhtónnions enkarihó:renhte’ tsi nentewá:iere’. Sewatié:rens ken’ nonkwá:ti enionkwaia’ténhawe’ tsi niionkwaié:ren tóka’ ni’ ákte nonkwá:ti enionkwaia’ténhawe’. Ó:nen’k tsi entewahkwíhsron’ tsi niió:re’ tsi entewakwé:ni’ ne sha’tekakonhtsheríhare’ aietewahá:wake’. Tho nón: tentewatátienhte’.

Kwah nek ki’ tho ní:ioht tsi tionatenróhon. Iah thaón:ton’ énska akaién:take’ tóka’ iah teká:ien ne ó:ia’. 

Edited by: Emma McLaughlin, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Translation by Sahawisó:ko Arquette

Kanien’kéha words in story


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