Inclination to share
Painting by Janice Brant depicts creation on Turtle Island. (Credit: Janice Brant)
Story told by Allen Simon
I wish everybody would think the way I do; embracing the idea of helping one another and not holding back their knowledge. It’s crucial because when we pass away, all that wisdom disappears with us. There are few of us left from my generation and we are dwindling, especially in recent times as we lose more friends one by one.
I have a strong inclination to share what I know and do what I can do. When someone asks me about something, I never hesitate to explain and offer my insights. Sharing has always been my way of connecting with people and it has helped me build positive relationships with almost everyone I encounter.
Of course, there are situations where you should keep certain things to yourself and I respect those boundaries.
In most cases, I find great satisfaction in sharing and helping others. This philosophy has contributed to my ability to get along with most people in my community.
Kanien'kéha version
Kanien'kéha version ↓
Tho nikeweiennò:ten akhehroriánion'
Allen Simon Roká:raton
Kahská:neks akwé:kon aionnonhtónnionhwe' tsi ní:ioht tsi nì:'i kanonhtónnion; aierihwaié:na' néne taietewatatia'takéhnha' tánon' ne tóhsa kwah nek aiontiénawahste' tsi nahò:ten' iakoterièn:tare'. Iorihowá:nen ase'kénh nó:nen eniakwatóhetste' akwé:kon enwáhton' tsi nahò:ten' ionkwaterien'tá:ron. Ken' nitsatión:ha tsonkwatatén:ron néne skátne ionkwatehiahròn:'on tánon' iotenenhstaronkwenhátie', kwah sénha ne ken' nahè:'a tsi shatiia'tátshon ionkhiia'tontionhátie' onkwatenro'shòn:'a.
Tho nikeweiennò:ten akhehroriánion' tsi nahò:ten' wakaterièn:tare' tánon' tsi nahò:ten' keweién:te'. Nó:nen ónhka'k enionkeri'wanón:tonhse' nahò:ten'k iah nonwén:ton tha'takerihó:roke' ake'nikonhraién:tahste' nok akhe'nikòn:ron'. Tió:konte' tho shí:ioht teniakwáthnerenke' nonkwehshòn:'a tánon' ne watia'takéhnhen ne aiakwatenro'serí:io'ne' ne thó:ha akwé:kon tsi niiá:kon teniakwatátken'.
Kwató:ken se' nikahá:wis í:se' khok ahserihwenhá:wake' nahò:ten'k tánon' kerihwakweniénhstha' neh nahò:ten'.
Sénha iotkà:te' enwakatshennonnià:ten' nó:nen enkhehsnié:nen' akò:ren. Ken' niwanonhtonnionhtsherò:ten watia'takéhnhen ne thó:ha akwé:kon tsi niiá:kon akenakerahserá:kon ienákere' aiakwatenro'serí:io'ne'.
Edited by: Jonathan Turenne, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
Translated by Sahawisó:ko’ Arquette